
Tras el éxito de las tres primeras ediciones del Concurso, y con el precedente de más de un centenar de fotografías presentadas, La Asociación Via Crucis Viviente de Balmaseda convoca el VI Concurso de fotografía temática Memorial Javier Maria Santa Coloma. En esta sección de la web encontrarás toda la información necesaria para participar en él: información sobre el formato fotográfico, soportes, plazos de entrega, normas…

The association wants to encourage as many participants as possible and is offering significant prizes - the winner will receive €1,000. All other prizes and information can be found in the information section. It is recommended that participants read this carefully.

We hope that photographers will carry out their work of recording Balmaseda's Easter, with respect and consideration. Any photos that interfere with the normal course of the procession will be disqualified.

This initiative is in honour of Javier Maria Santa Coloma - a member of the association for more than 30 years whose memory will stay with us forever.

See the official competition information.